Slot Canyon

This summer I had the opportunity to take a trip to Utah with a number of my fellow residents at RAW Photographic Studios and five lovely models. This is the second time I’ve shot in this little slot canyon which is quite magical. For photographers, some technical details about the shoot are at the end of this blog post.

The first set was Axel only in her long parachute dress. I asked one of my fellow photographers, Joe, if he’d be willing to model as well and he agreed to hop in for the second set. 

It was about noon and the bright sun was blowing out the rocks in the back of the canyon. If we would have been shooting a couple of hours earlier when the sun was lower, we wouldn’t have had this issue. I tried turning down my exposure, but I couldn’t get it low enough to maintain any detail on those sunlight rocks and those low exposures made the slot too dark for the model. So I placed a Godox AD200 further into the slot and aimed it towards the models which provided some rim lighting and which bounced around enough to light up the models from the front. We were working under some time constraints, but I wish I had taken a little more time to arrange the train of this dress a little more carefully. We could have created some better lines, but it just looks like a messy  pile of fabric in a number of the images.