Don Hales is a fantastic photographer and has been a mentor to me over these past couple of years. He shoots with Gable somewhat regularly and I had met her on more than a couple of occasions at the studio. But I never had a chance to work with her until last weekend at one of Don’s “shoot out” events. Essentially, a bunch of photographers and models get together without any agenda and just play and have fun collaborating.
Me and fellow photog, Lauren Lang did 20 to 30 minutes of photo tag team and over the shoulder shooting with Gable. Now I know why Don considers her one of his favorite models. We had beautiful light in the studio and Gable is expressive and experienced. These images have been subject to various levels of editing: Some have some skin retouching, most don’t (she has great skin), and a couple are straight out of the camera.
Here are a few “throw away” images: Most are out of focus. I have a coffee table book of Peter Lindbergh photos. The cover of the book has a relatively flat black and white photo that I like, so I thought I’d apply a preset that reminds me of that cover photo to these ones to see what it looked like. Normally, I never use presets and always custom edit all my black and white images.