Sexy Furry Car Shoot

This year I’ve been exploring the world of erotica. I shoot a lot of nudes, but most would be considered art or figurative nudes, or even conceptual nudes. Erotica is different on a variety of levels and I’d invite you to take a look at the blog post, Is It Porn? for a discussion.

I’ve done a couple of what I would consider erotic shoots with MJ previously. Below are images from our latest shoot together with an expensive car and expensive furs as the backdrop. This is the first time I’ve shot a car in the studio. I knew it would be challenging and it was. How do you light a large vehicle and a model at the same time and create some visual depth and interest? How do you deal with all the reflections that are happening? How do I incorporate interesting angles and compose interesting shots in such a relatively small space? It was a great learning experience and I think MJ and I created some beautiful images.Â